Community Informati0n Session—Tatamagiuche
We invite you to share your concerns about mega wind projects—Kmtnuk Wind Power Project Windy Ridge—created for hydrogen-ammonia generation and export.
Green Nova Scotia FIrst Presentation to Pictou Council Planning Advisory Committee
Please come and hear what GNSF has to say about wind turbine development in Pictou and our request that the council be responsible and rethink wind turbine development in the county.
Presentation to Colchester Council
Please come and hear what GNSF has to say about wind turbine development in Colchester and our request that the council be responsible and rethink wind turbine development in the county.
MEDIA RELEASE: Community Groups demand Windy Ridge EA be rejected
Community groups demand the Windy Ridge Wind Power Project Environmental Assessment be rejected due to a flawed EA process, a lack of a provincial landscape level plan, negative provincial emission target implications, and greenwashing by proponents, federal and provincial governments.
GNSF Responds to Windy Ridge Wind Power Project EA
Green Nova Scotia First is a collective voice of citizens from six Nova Scotia counties who are concerned about the prioritization of wind energy for hydrogen and ammonia exports. In concert with Protect Wentworth Valley, the groups submitted comments to the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Climate Change in response to the Environmental Assessment Registration Document provided for the Windy Ridge Wind Power Project.
Community Information Session
We invite you to share your concerns regarding Bear Head Energy's proposal to construct 100 industrial-sized wind turbines on a 22,000-acre site at Blue Mountain/Websters Corner. These turbines are intended to power their Point Tupper hydrogen plant for export purposes, not Nova Scotia's power grid.
GNSF Open Letter
Green Nova Scotia First (GNSF) urges Deputy Minister Gatien and the Premier to review our concerns on the risks associated with large wind turbine projects and hydrogen production.
MEDIA RELEASE: GNSF Advocates for Prioritizing Decarbonization Over Hydrogen and Ammonia Export Development
Green Nova Scotia First (GNSF) Advocates for Prioritizing Decarbonization Over Hydrogen and Ammonia Export Development.
Residents voice opposition
Saltwire’s Angela Capobianco recounts, “It’ll be a huge change to the community” when residents pour out to voice opposition to the proposed Bear Head Energy wind project.
Premier Houston got an earful
Premier Tim Houston got an earful from his constituents and other Nova Scotians who attended the town hall meeting at the Blue Mountain firehall to discuss Bear Head Energy's proposed 100-turbine Websters Corner wind project in the area.