Open Letter, Update Gregor Wilson Open Letter, Update Gregor Wilson

GNSF Responds to Windy Ridge Wind Power Project EA

Green Nova Scotia First is a collective voice of citizens from six Nova Scotia counties who are concerned about the prioritization of wind energy for hydrogen and ammonia exports. In concert with Protect Wentworth Valley, the groups submitted comments to the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Climate Change in response to the Environmental Assessment Registration Document provided for the Windy Ridge Wind Power Project.

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Open Letter Gregor Wilson Open Letter Gregor Wilson

GNSF Open Letter

Green Nova Scotia First (GNSF) urges Deputy Minister Gatien and the Premier to review our concerns on the risks associated with large wind turbine projects and hydrogen production.

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Before exporting hydrogen or ammonia, we should eliminate our dependence on coal and fossil fuels for energizing our grid


Better manage our forests, soils, and water through a provincial Landscape-Level Planning strategy


Better protect Nova Scotia's rich biodiversity and abundant ecosystems through an improved Environmental Assessment process


Ensure currently proposed industrial energy projects prioritize ecological and community resilience in the face of climate and biodiversity crises.


Before exporting hydrogen or ammonia, we should eliminate our dependence on coal and fossil fuels for energizing our grid ——— Better manage our forests, soils, and water through a provincial Landscape-Level Planning strategy ——— Better protect Nova Scotia's rich biodiversity and abundant ecosystems through an improved Environmental Assessment process ——— Ensure currently proposed industrial energy projects prioritize ecological and community resilience in the face of climate and biodiversity crises. ———