We are Green Nova Scotia First

Green Nova Scotia First is a collective voice of citizens from eight Nova Scotia counties—Colchester, Cumberland, Pictou, Antigonish, Guysborough, Hants, Halifax, and Lunenburg—who are concerned that the Federal and Provincial governments are prioritizing the use of wind energy for hydrogen and ammonia exports over the decarbonization of our local energy grid.

Green Nova Scotia First acknowledges the importance of renewable energy development in lessening our dependence on fossil fuels. However, government leaders must ensure that the pursuit of purported  'green' solutions does not come at the expense of our environment, biodiversity, and quality of life.

Green Nova Scotia First is dedicated to raising awareness of the risks associated with exporting hydrogen and ammonia produced by large-scale wind turbines through community education, engagement, and open discussions.

Green Nova Scotia First asks that all levels of government prioritize the potential sacrifice of our resources, wilderness, biodiversity, and quality of life when assessing hydrogen projects.

Green Nova Scotia First urges all levels of government to prioritize our provincial and national energy reduction targets over multinational corporation profits.  We must eliminate Nova Scotia’s dependency on fossil fuels before exporting hydrogen or ammonia produced by wind turbines.

Our mission is to support the development of Nova Scotia’s renewable resources in a manner that first reduces Greenhouse Gas emissions locally, with minimal negative impact on our Natural Environment, Biodiversity, and Communities.

Supporting Green Energy that benefits all Nova Scotia residents