Biodiversity & Conservation Risks
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The Halifax Examiner’s Joan Baxter reviews The Ecology Action Centre’s statement on “wind energy, land use and green hydrogen production in Nova Scotia,” and their serious concerns about the use of energy from land-based wind facilities to produce that “green hydrogen.”
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Protect Wentworth Valley outlines its concerns regarding wind turbine farms' impact on Nova Scotia's endangered mainland moose. The Wentworth Valley Wilderness Area and the Portapique Wilderness Area are frequent areas for animal core habitat and seasonal travel. Read a summary of their concerns and resources related to the negative on the endangered species concerning construction and related infrastructure.
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Hear Dalhousie University’s Dr. Tracey MacKenzie talk with Nature Nova Scotia about why scientists, environmentalists, and everyday citizens fight to protect biodiversity.
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In 2021, the Government of Nova Scotia announced a plan to help the long-term recovery of the Province's endangered mainland moose population. The plan addresses threats, protects habitat, improves connectivity, and sets priorities for action. The Province planned to consult with the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Chiefs and develop special management practices for forestry harvests within moose habitat.
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Mature forests in colder climes may continue to store more carbon than they emit, thereby helping to stave off global warming. Read David Biello’s Scientific American article on how old-growth temperate and subpolar forests contribute to the fight against global warming.
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