Community Information Session


Industrial Wind Turbines Concerns

June 18 • 7PM

Plymouth Fire Hall 4667 East River Side RD


We invite you to share your concerns regarding Bear Head Energy's proposal to construct 100 industrial-sized wind turbines on a 22,000-acre site at Blue Mountain/Websters Corner. These turbines are intended to power their Point Tupper hydrogen plant for export purposes, not Nova Scotia's power grid.

access to trails/recreation • property values • health and quality of life safety hazards • impacts on moose and biodiversity


Green Nova Scotia First supports the development of wind energy projects in Nova Scotia provided the government...

  • Decarbonize Nova Scotia before using green energy to produce and export hydrogen and ammonia;

  • Better manages our forests, soils, and water through a provincial Landscape-Level Planning strategy;

  • Better protects NS's rich biodiversity and abundant ecosystems through an improved Environmental Assessment process;

  • Ensures currently proposed industrial energy projects prioritize ecological and community resilience in the face of climate and biodiversity crises.


GNSF Responds to Windy Ridge Wind Power Project EA


GNSF Open Letter