Green Nova Scotia FIrst Presentation to Pictou Council Planning Advisory Committee
Wind Turbine Development in Colchester
Wednesday, August 14 • 7PM • Open to the public
Council Chambers, 46 Municipal Drive, Pictou
Please come and hear what GNSF has to say about wind turbine development in Pictou.
The importance of decarbonizing Nova Scotia’s power grid FIRST before producing hydrogen and ammonia for export
The need to have proper land use planning completed before any new wind turbine development
Information about Bear Head 100 industrial Wind Turbine Project (up to 75% inefficiency rate)
22,000 acres at Blue Mountain/Websters Corner
Issues with hydrogen and ammonia
Hydrogen hype: economic issues with hydrogen
The impact on Pictou County
We request the Council to be responsible and rethink wind turbine development.
Green Nova Scotia First supports the development of wind energy projects in Nova Scotia provided the government...
Decarbonize Nova Scotia before using green energy to produce and export hydrogen and ammonia;
Better manages our forests, soils, and water through a provincial Landscape-Level Planning strategy;
Better protects NS's rich biodiversity and abundant ecosystems through an improved Environmental Assessment process;
Ensures currently proposed industrial energy projects prioritize ecological and community resilience in the face of climate and biodiversity crises.