Media, Update Gregor Wilson Media, Update Gregor Wilson

Premier Houston got an earful

Premier Tim Houston got an earful from his constituents and other Nova Scotians who attended the town hall meeting at the Blue Mountain firehall to discuss Bear Head Energy's proposed 100-turbine Websters Corner wind project in the area.

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Before exporting hydrogen or ammonia, we should eliminate our dependence on coal and fossil fuels for energizing our grid


Better manage our forests, soils, and water through a provincial Landscape-Level Planning strategy


Better protect Nova Scotia's rich biodiversity and abundant ecosystems through an improved Environmental Assessment process


Ensure currently proposed industrial energy projects prioritize ecological and community resilience in the face of climate and biodiversity crises.


Before exporting hydrogen or ammonia, we should eliminate our dependence on coal and fossil fuels for energizing our grid ——— Better manage our forests, soils, and water through a provincial Landscape-Level Planning strategy ——— Better protect Nova Scotia's rich biodiversity and abundant ecosystems through an improved Environmental Assessment process ——— Ensure currently proposed industrial energy projects prioritize ecological and community resilience in the face of climate and biodiversity crises. ———