Government Gregor Wilson Government Gregor Wilson

Premier gets earful at town hall about proposed Pictou County wind project

More than 200 people attended a Pictou County town hall to ask Premier Tim Houston about the 100-turbine Websters Corner wind project Bear Head Energy is proposing for the Blue Mountain area of Pictou County. The Halifax Examiner’s Joan Baxter summarizes the event, the community's concerns, and Premier Houston’s response.

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Government Gregor Wilson Government Gregor Wilson

Nova Scotia goes all-in on ‘green’ hydrogen, but at what cost?

The Halifax Examiner’s Joan Baxter closely examines and questions Premier Tim Houston's 44-page Green Hydrogen Action Plan to position Nova Scotia “as a world leader in clean economic growth and environmental stewardship” and how the government plans to facilitate green energy production to assist in hydrogen/ammonia production and export. But at what cost?

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Government Gregor Wilson Government Gregor Wilson

Nova Scotia’s Green Hydrogen Action Plan

In December 2023, the provincial government released Nova Scotia’s Green Hydrogen Action Plan, promoting the province “as a world leader in clean economic growth and environmental stewardship,” says Premier Tim Houston, due to “our world-class natural resources and export capability, clean economy leadership, responsive regulation, and alignment with the Government of Canada’s vision for clean hydrogen.”

However, Green Nova Scotia First, Ecology Action Centre, and others have questions about the province's ability to generate enough wind energy for its own grid and export green hydrogen and ammonia at the same time.

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Government Gregor Wilson Government Gregor Wilson

Province Releases Green Hydrogen Action Plan

In December, the Government of Nova Scotia released a Green Hydrogen Action Plan to grow its “green” hydrogen industry. Premier Tim Houston states, “Nova Scotia is poised to be a world leader in the production of green hydrogen, which will help us and our global partners develop our green economies and fight climate change.” The government believes “green” hydrogen has the potential to help Nova Scotia achieve its goal of reaching net zero by 2050, but groups like Green Nova Scotia First, the Ecology Action Centre, and others question the government's position on supporting hydrogen projects over our dependence on fossil fuels.

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Government Gregor Wilson Government Gregor Wilson

Green-washing hydrogen with amendments to Nova Scotia’s Electricity Act

The Halifax Examiner criticized Tim Houston's Progressive Conservative government's plans for a new "hydrogen innovation program" as “greenwashing” when the government's Law Amendments Committee passed Bill 207, the Electricity Act amendments. The Examiner’s Joan Baxter speaks with experts, including energy coordinator Brenna Walsh at the Ecology Action Centre, who explains, “Though it is encouraging to see the intentions of this government to consider green hydrogen production, we are concerned that this amendment, as written, would open a pathway for other “flavours” [colours] of hydrogen production.”

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